Houston Music and Wellness Center
Sing! Drum! Play!
music for wellness
Drumming with Essential Oils
Aroma Therapy Drumming
Drumming for Personal Wellness & Creative Expression

This Stress Management Workshop is the first stress management system integrating the life-enhancing benefits of healing music, aromatherapy, and therapeutic drumming.

This Stress Reduction Workshop,
combines Drumming and Essential Oils.
It is set in a collaborative format and
facilitated by
Cindy St. Cyr, founder of Houston Music & Wellness Center
and Shondra Marie, founder of Beautiful Health LLC.
In this Workshop, each week, we will focus on a different essential oil as our theme. Shondra will share about that particular oil and how it benefits our health and well-being. Cindy will then move us into a music experience to receive the benefits of that oil combining the use of the essential oil and drumming.
Benefits include:
Stress Reduction on the genomic level
Modulate your breathing while drumming in the aroma of essential oils
Uplift your spirit
Energizing your mind, body, and spirit
​Essential Oils are designed to help maximize your body’s own natural ability to relax and offers an opportunity to enhance your personal wellness by giving yourself the opportunity to break free from the stresses of everyday life.

Call Cindy to schedule your workshop. Depending upon your needs, this flexible format can be a one-time event or even for a four or even six week Stress Reduction Workshop.
NOTE: Some people are sensitive to essential oils. We do not accept any liability should you be sensitive to essential oils used in this class.
Please use your own judgement in determining if this class is right for you.